Published: 09 August 2022

Guidelines released this week provide a roadmap for tourism operators to make their businesses more accessible and inclusive for visitors.
The Opportunity for Accessible and Inclusive Tourism in Western Australia guidelines are supported by Tourism WA and developed in consultation with the Department of Communities, Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries and other partner organisations.
They provide guidance for how tourism and hospitality businesses across a range of areas including accommodation, attractions and tours can improve the accessibility of their experiences for people with a range of needs.
The document highlights the importance of meeting a wide range of visitors’ requirements, including people with disability, older people and young families, and the economic impact and opportunities for businesses with high levels of accessibility.
According to research carried out by Tourism Research Australia in 2017, the potential tourism market for those with disability is over $8 billion per annum, accounting for 11 per cent of the Australian tourism market.
Tourism WA Managing Director Carolyn Turnbull said the new guidelines are an excellent resource for tourism operators to ensure they’re meeting recommendations for accessibility.
“We’d love to see all tourism experiences in WA be accessible and available to all groups of locals and visitors, and this document provides advice on how businesses can reach this goal,” Carolyn said.
“We have so many incredible experiences on offer, and everyone should be able to enjoy our wonderful attractions.
“I encourage operators to read the full document and start to make changes based on the recommendations, so their business can be visited and experienced by all.”
Read the full guidelines here.
Image credit: Australia's South West.