What is the Regional Events Program
Our Regional Events Program (REP), funded by Royalties for Regions, supports medium to large regional events across WA that require funding of $40,000 or more.
We support events that:
- bring more people to the region, which means more tourism dollars for the community
- attract media coverage which helps promote the region as an exciting destination
- involve and inspire the local community
- encourage people to come to the region outside of the typical tourist season
- add vibrancy and excitement to the region
- support jobs in regional WA
- showcase a strong point of difference and/or profile the unique features of the town and/or region.
Some examples of REP events that we fund include Ironman WA, Cape to Cape MTB, Ord Valley Muster and Shinju Matsuri.
Funding criteria
Proposals are evaluated against the Regional Events Program Criteria (PDF 378KB), our annual budgets and strategy.
Your event must be held within one of WA's nine regions as determined by the Regional Development Commission Act 1993 . These regions are the Peel, South West, Great Southern, Wheatbelt, Mid-West, Gascoyne, Goldfields-Esperance, Pilbara and Kimberley. For boundaries see the regional map (PDF).
How to apply for funding
REP funding is awarded on a case-by-case basis and funding proposals must be submitted at least a minimum of 12 months prior to the event date.
More information and useful resources
For more information about the Regional Events Program please email regionalevents@westernaustralia.com.
For more resources for event holders including risk management and how to promote your event, visit Resources for events.