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​​​Some useful tips for operators participating in famils:

  • Professionalism: be on time, well presented and groomed, offer refreshments if required.
  • Be prepared: know the itinerary, check that all arrangements are as expected and agreed to and advise us if there are any issues. Know where the group has been and where they are going after leaving your product. It’s highly recommended that a representative from your sales or marketing team greets all famils.
  • Research the group: understand the participants and what they require from the experience. Are they media or trade, where are they from, what are their needs, what is their market and what is their role in the organisation?
  • Present to the group: know how much time you have and what you want to present. Consider providing a fact sheet, a gift and/or a special offer for a return visit.
  • Be culturally sensitive: be aware of cultural sensitivities such as religious, dietary requirements, appropriate conduct and greetings. If you aren't sure, ask the familiarisation coordinator.
  • Develop relationships with famil participants: be friendly and open. Identifying a face with a product will make it more memorable for the participant.
  • Follow up: collect business cards and/or email addresses and keep in touch with participants.


Last Reviewed: 2021-01-27