It is the intention of the Western Australian Tourism Commission, trading as Tourism Western Australia (Tourism WA), that the content of this website should be accessible to the widest possible audience, including people with disabilities who may use assistive technology.
Tourism WA aims to maximise the accessibility of this website by utilising a range of communication strategies and technologies. It is also continuing to make every reasonable effort to ensure that this website meets W3C's Web Accessibility priority 2 standards.
In addition, Tourism WA has developed a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) to ensure all members of the community can access our services, facilities and information.
Browsers with accessibility functions
This website provides functionality for increasing or decreasing the text size (using A+ and A- buttons in top right-hand corner of each page). Alternatively, see the list below for details of how you can change the text size using your browser.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer - Select ‘View menu’, click on ‘Text size’ and choose a size from the options ‘Largest’ to ‘Smallest’.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or 6.0 - Select ‘View menu’, click on ‘Text size’ and choose a size from the options ‘Largest’ to ‘Smallest’.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.2 (Macintosh) - Click ‘View menu’, click on ‘Text zoom’ and choose a size from the options 50% - 300% or ‘Larger’ or ‘Smaller’.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 - Select ‘View menu’, click on ‘Internet options’, choose ‘Fonts’ and change the size to ‘Small’ or ‘Large’.
- Netscape - Select ‘View menu’, click on ‘Text size’ and choose to either ‘Increase’ or ‘Decrease’ the font size.
- Netscape 6.0, and 4.0 - Select ‘Edit menu’ and click on ‘Preferences’. A new window will open. Select ‘Appearance’ from the left hand side menu within the new window. Under ‘Fonts’, reset the size (for example, 10, 12, 14 and so on).
- FireFox - Select ‘View menu’, click on ‘Text size’ and choose to either ‘Increase’ or ‘Decrease’ the font size.
- Mozilla - Select ‘View menu’, click on ‘Text zoom’, and choose a percentage size or select ‘Larger’ or ‘Smaller’.
- Opera - Select ‘View menu’, click on ‘Zoom’, and then select a size from the list.
- Safari - Select ‘View menu’ and click ‘Make text bigger’ to increase the font size or ‘Make text smaller’ to reduce the font size.
Accessing documents
In most cases your computer will be capable of reading the documents and files featured on this website. However, if you do encounter documents and files that require you to install additional software on your computer, here is a list of useful software:
Request alternative formats
If you’re using a screen reader and are unable to read documents or complete forms available on this site, you might like to contact someone who is able to read and write the answers for you. Alternatively, you can contact us for assistance or to request alternative formats. Email or call +61 8 9262 1741.
Accessibility feedback
As Tourism WA’s website is dynamic, and accessibility is a fluid concept, there is always the possibility that accessibility difficulties will be encountered. Nevertheless, Tourism WA will continue to strive to improve the accessibility of this website and we encourage your feedback to help us to improve the end-user experience for all.
If you have any comments or queries please contact us by email or call +61 8 9262 1700.